Every business wants to promote their brand, service and offering to the world in as many ways as possible. Promotional product campaigns can be one of the most effective ways of getting the word out, but only when they’re done properly.

When you look around, you will see hundreds of new marketing campaigns being released every day. They’re all marketing campaigns, but are they all effective? More competition means more focus is needed to create truly effective campaigns that create awareness and sales.

Creating new campaigns and giving away promotional products doesn’t have to be expensive, but there’s a huge difference between giving someone a novelty gift and giving someone an item that will encourage them to engage with your company and take action. It all comes down to a purpose. Without a purpose, your promotional product won’t have any value and you’ll be wasting your company’s money.

Promotions are more effective than giveaways

Promotion? Giveaway? Same thing, right? Absolutely not. This is something that many people fail to acknowledge when it comes to creating successful promotional product campaigns. If you simply give a random item away with your logo on the side, the receiver is potentially going to enjoy using it but there’s no real need for them to engage with you, as they don’t know what you can offer  them personally.

The difference with effective promotional product campaigns, is that there will be added value to the product that will make the receiver want to take action. Take promotional tote bags for example; would it be more effective to hand out the tote bag as it is, or to add something inside that invites the receiver to get in touch with you? The latter, of course. Include something of value, something that might cost you a bit of money, because if you look at the bigger picture it’s likely that there could be a good sale to come from it that’s worth the risk.

Get advice from a promotional product campaign advisor

If you happen to be struggling with ideas for your promotional product campaigns, getting in touch with a true promotional product advisor will ensure that you don’t spend money on something useless. A traditional promotional distributor would probably happily take your money and send you your product, without worrying about your campaign, because it’s not in their interest.

An advisor would question you at the beginning, to find out what you are hoping to get out of your promotional product campaign and help you narrow down your ideas. They understand the purpose of a promotional product and will want to advise you on what you should be thinking about in order to create the right product – and with an actual promotion attached.

Have a purpose before you order

If you want to create successful promotional product campaigns, you must begin with a purpose. It’s all well and good creating something that looks great, is colourful and has your logo splashed over it for everyone to see, but if you don’t actually know what the purpose behind the item is then you’ll fall at the first hurdle.

Most likely, your core purpose is going to include:

  • Gaining brand recognition
  • Encouraging contact
  • Making a sale

If you don’t give the receiver any reason to get in touch with you, it’s wasted money and you haven’t achieved even the first purpose, to gain recognition. You may have blamed the distributor in the past, or maybe you thought the economy was weak at the time, but the likelihood is that your item just didn’t work: you didn’t have a purpose.

Creating your purpose should be easy if you know your brand and you already have a marketing strategy in place. Think about what would entice you to buy something from a company, if you were on the receiving end. What kind of prize or offer would you need to be given for you to make the engagement? Would you want to hear the success story of the business to gain your trust? Or would an offer be more tempting? It’s exactly those thoughts that will help you to create your purpose and allow you to come up with promotional product campaigns that have a clear vision.

Target your audience

Taking your product to the streets and handing them out to passers-by will certainly gain you some attention; but what are the chances of those people having a genuine interest in your brand? You’d be lucky to get one sale from handing out promotional products to random receivers on the street.

If you want to aim high and generate sales, then you’ll need to think more specifically about who your target audience is. If you target the right audience, not only will you be more likely to generate sales, but you will create more of an impact and they are likely to return to you as a customer and recommend you to others who are likely be interested too.

Choose delivery wisely

Promotional products can be delivered in many ways, whether it’s by courier, at a trade show, after a meeting or presentation, or following a corporate event. They can easily be hand delivered, so remember that you have the option to personalise any campaign that you create. The more personal the service, the more memorable the brand will be, while you also have the added opportunity of engaging with the receiver prior to giving them their product.

If someone receives a package from a courier, then there’s nothing attached to that product that will excite the receiver about the company who delivered it. The delivery of a product that’s made to feel like a gift will make someone feel special and they’ll associate the personal touch with your brand.

Choose your delivery method wisely, because it’s both the final stage in your promotional product campaign and the first point of contact for the receiver – equally important aspects of the campaign.


Are you ready to get started?

Promotional products or sometimes knows as promotional gifts, are unrivalled in their ability to attract customers to your business, generate brand awareness and make sales. GoPromotional treat every customer like gold dust and will offer you top notch service and expertise along with products that will help gain the recognition your brand deserves.

Make a positive start today by having a look through our extensive catalogue of promotional items which features our most popular products. In addition, why not check out our website where you will find thousands of fantastic ideas to choose from.

If you wish to discuss your specific requirements in greater detail, please get in touch and one of our Account Managers will be delighted to talk to you.