The Best Alternative to Plastic Bags
No matter how useful they are, single-use plastic carrier bags are slowly, but surely, going extinct. Just the fact that from 2017 up until this year, the annual number of Tesco-issued plastic grocery bags dropped from 637 000 000 to under 12 000 000 is evidence enough that the world is turning into a more eco-conscious place.

Instead of using plastic bags, companies are turning to reusable ones. To be more precise, people are opting to use custom reusable cotton shopping bags nowadays. But why exactly are they better for the environment than disposable ones?


Reasons Why Reusable Cotton Shopping Bags Are Better than Disposable Ones

Reusable Cotton Shopping Bags Help Conserve Natural Resources

You’re probably thinking how can something so lightweight and small be so harmful to our planet? Well, although plastic bags may seem harmless, they’re far from it.

Consider the fact that it takes approximately 12 000 000 gallons of oil to make plastic disposable shopping bags. Oil is a fossil fuel, which is a non-renewable resource. Furthermore, fossil fuel burning counts as the largest source of greenhouse gas which contributes to global warming.

When you think about it, you really start to wonder if these resources could have been used in a more useful way.

And if this seems difficult to comprehend, then take this into account: It takes exactly the same amount of petroleum to make seven disposable plastic bags as it does to drive one kilometre. This is one of the more obvious examples of unnecessary waste, but there are plenty more.

Printed reusable cotton shoppers can help conserve natural resources and decrease greenhouse gas emissions. Why? Because they are made from…well, cotton. But if you want to try another material, reusable shopping bags can also be made using other natural products such as bamboo and jute.

Basically, these plants don’t release any toxic substances, and they’re incredibly easy to grow. Cotton fibre, for example, is easy to extract and it allows oxygen to continuously flow.

Reusable Cotton Shopping Bags Can Improve Drainage Systems

People tend to throw plastic bags everywhere, so it’s no surprise that they typically end up in drains. This, in turn, contributes to major flooding around the world, especially in less developed countries.

With that in mind, opting for reusable cotton shopping bags over plastic ones means less chance of flooding. Moreover, since disposable bags create microplastics in the rivers, streams, lakes and oceans, plastic particles will inevitably end up in our drinking water, as well as in fish and shellfish.

Needless to say, consuming and drinking water contaminated with plastic will cause us to pick up various diseases. If people around the world would switch to reusable bags, we would not only see a decrease in flooding, but also an overall improvement in our health.

Reusable Cotton Shopping Bags Reduce Pollution

As mentioned, people are quite careless with where they throw away plastic bags. Keeping in mind that it can take anywhere from 15 up to 1 000 years for a single plastic bag to degrade, it’s obvious that plastic bags are among the biggest sources of pollution in the world.

And even when they are properly disposed of, since plastic bags are lightweight, they can easily get blown away out of trashcans. That’s why so many of these bags end up in the ocean, lakes, ponds, seas, etc.

Our waters are slowly dying because of this pollution as underwater creatures are susceptible to choking on bits of plastic. Namely, these creatures will often mistake plastic particles for food. When these particles are eaten, they’re impossible to digest. This ends up harming and killing the animal by lodging in its gut. Plastic bags can also wrap around smaller fish and suffocate them.

The main takeaway from this is that trading out plastic bags for reusable ones will significantly reduce pollution. It will also allow our oceans, ponds, seas and lakes to flourish once again.

Reusable Cotton Shopping Bags Can Increase Recycling Rates

Disposable plastic bags are typically non-recyclable. Reusable cotton shopping bags, on the other hand, are.  This is why they are one of the most popular eco-friendly products out there. So, instead of buying plastic bags at the grocery store, consider switching to reusable ones. Namely, this will significantly increase the recycling rates.

Ultimately, reusable cotton grocery bags have quite a long lifespan, especially if you take proper care of them. But even when your bag comes to the end of its life, since it is 100% recyclable, it can be turned into something useful rather than ending up in a landfill.

Reusable Cotton Shopping Bags are Cost-Effective

When you see a reusable cotton shopping bag at your local grocery store, you may be put off by the price. Well, this obviously depends on where you’re shopping. But in general, it’s safe to say that reusable bags cost more than plastic ones.

However, if you take the time to calculate how much money you actually spend over the course of a month just on plastic bags, you’d be shocked!

Even if a plastic bag is “only” 10 pence, the fact remains that you will only use this bag once. Then, you need to take into account the fact that you will need a few bags for a single shopping trip (depending on how many groceries you’re buying). Finally, think about how many times a month you go shopping.

All in all, once you add up the cost of all those plastic bags, you can easily see how using reusable cotton shoppers is an immeasurably more affordable option. After all, you can use them for years considering how durable and easy they are to wash and clean.

Reusable Cotton Shopping Bags Are Quite Fashionable

One of the more obvious perks of using reusable shopping bags is that you can customise them to look quite fashionable. Many people opt to use them for more than grocery shopping, thanks to the fact that they’re sturdy and offer plenty of room for various necessities.

In fact, students often use reusable bags to carry heavy books as they can be far more durable than backpacks.

Related content:
Why Custom Reusable Cotton Bags Make Such a Great Choice

Final Thoughts on Reusable Cotton Grocery Bags

There’s no doubt that reusable bags have plenty to offer whether you’re selling them, gifting them, or using them. But mainly, it’s becoming evident that every business could greatly benefit from using these bags to boost the visibility of their brand.

With so many different styles, sizes, colours and textures to choose from, you can truly customise reusable bags in any way imaginable!

So, if you were on the fence about switching from plastic to a more sustainable material, you should definitely go for it. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain!

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Branded Eco Bags – Protect the Environment with Your Promo Campaign

Check out our full collection of promotional bags which includes tote bags, non-woven bags, and foldable shopping bags. If you require further information or have any specific questions, don’t hesitate to give a member of our experienced team a call on 0800 0148 970 or simply email us today.