Bags are an essential part of our lives. We use them every day, whether we are going shopping or just travelling to work. Useful and practical items always come in many shapes and forms, and branded bags are no exception. Today, you can choose between a variety of types and styles, from gift bags to foldable ones.
When it comes to promotional value, no type is as successful and as sought-after as a custom foldable bag. This item is practical, eco-friendly, durable, and highly affordable. If you adorn it with your logo and give it away to your customers, you can increase your brand awareness significantly and elevate your business to unimaginable heights.
In the sections that follow, we will discuss the appeal of foldable bags and tell you why they should be the promo item of your choice. Read on!
The Promotional Benefits of Branded Foldable Shoppers
1. Variety In Design
Foldable bags are some of the most versatile custom items when it comes to personalisation. Namely, they offer you a great surface area that you can truly use to your advantage to showcase what your brand stands for.
Instead of just slapping your logo on a bag and calling it a day, you should get creative and come up with a design that people will love. If you ensure that your bags are aesthetically pleasing, the customers you give them to will surely use them every day or even display them in their homes.
Moreover, people feel important and valued when they receive something pretty. So, creating bags that can be both useful and a fashion statement is pivotal for promotional success.
You should think about your audience when creating the bags. Their age, preferences, and professions should guide every decision you make, from the colours to the design itself. As long as you keep those in mind, you will create something people will fall in love with instantly.
2. Usefulness, Convenience, and Durability
A successful promo item is something that people use every day and will appreciate as a gift. You can give someone a brochure with your logo and the services you offer, but the chances of them keeping that are slim. However, if you put your logo on something as practical as a mug or foldable bag, you’ll ensure that the person looks at your logo every day and exposes it to others as well.
People can use these bags for different purposes, from going shopping to having a picnic outdoors. The bags are big and sturdy enough to carry just about anything, so they make perfect gifts for all demographics.
Foldable bags are also extremely convenient. You can simply fold them up nicely and put them in your purse or car, and take them out whenever you need them. They are great for shopping or any kind of trip where you need your items to be safe and your hands to be free.
Reusable bags are made of materials that are quite easy to clean. You can wash the bag any time you like, and rest assured that the material and the printing will remain in pristine condition.
The bags are an amazing choice in terms of durability, too. They seldom tear, and the print can also last for years if it is done by a reliable printing company. Thus, if you opt for foldable bags, you will ensure your advertising campaign lasts for years without having to invest in it too much.
3. Effortless Promotion
When people use your bag every day, they see your logo and have it on their minds a lot. They then expose that same logo to other people they come in contact with while carrying the bag. So, by distributing the bags, you get to reach a wide and diverse audience of potential customers. Without the bags, reaching all of them would be quite difficult.
Thus, your brand awareness increases every day without you having to put any effort into the matter. With how expensive promotion can get, such a bargain is one that you simply cannot miss out on.
4. Affordability
Speaking about expenses… If you are a small business owner, you probably know how hard it is to promote your products or services while staying within your budget. Oftentimes, it might seem as if all good marketing strategies require funds that you simply don’t have.
However, that is not true. Foldable bags allow you to promote your business well without having to spend a fortune. They can fit into any budget, whether you buy them in bulk or get just a dozen at a time.
If you want to increase the variety of your giveaways, you may also opt to throw in some logo budget pens. Just like foldable bags, they are very affordable and functional. The recipients, whoever they may be, will surely be happy about such a bundle.
Related content:
Promotional Pens – How to Use them for Successful Marketing
5. Sustainability
Last but not the least, foldable bags are great promotional items due to their sustainability. In a world where plastic waste is one of the main contributors to climate change, eco-friendly and reusable bags can appeal to many people who want to save the planet.
If you want to promote yourself as eco-friendly and do your part to make the world a better place, foldable bags are a great way to go about it. You can connect with like-minded people who will appreciate your efforts. They will choose your brand because of your firm stance.
When you look at foldable bags from this perspective, you will realise that including them in your promo campaign is the smartest decision you can make. You will get to help the planet while attracting new customers at the same time. If you ask us, that is a true win-win situation.
Customise Your Foldable Bags
Are you convinced that foldable bags are the way to go? If so, GoPromotional can help you take the next step in ensuring your customers get the best bags out there. Our experience in the industry and our selection of high-quality bags will be enough to show you that we mean business.
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Give us a call at 0800 0148 970 or simply email us today, and let’s start customising your foldable bags as soon as possible. Time is money when it comes to marketing, and we want to ensure you lose neither. We are waiting for your call! Also, check out our full collection of bags including non-woven bags, drawstring bags, and paper bags. We are sure that you will find what you are looking for!