Brand Marketing Done Well With Personalised Car Air Fresheners

Millions of people around the world drive. That’s millions of potential clients that might look for our products or services. So, what would be the best way to market our brand to them? Well, promotional items come to mind, and few can be as versatile or amusing as personalised car air fresheners.

Sure, they might not be as high-tech as branded USB sticks for car radios or custom cellphone holders, and they might look flimsy by comparison. But there are some valid reasons why business moguls and CEOs still use air fresheners as a way to promote their brands. In this article, we go over exactly what makes custom car air fresheners so great.


Benefits of Personalised Car Air Fresheners as Promo Products


Obviously, something like a USB for a car radio or a cell phone charger will make for a more durable and long-lasting product than an air freshener. And we have nothing against using them as promo items. However, those products can be quite expensive, even if we order them in bulk from a trusted supplier.

Air fresheners, on the other hand, are not that pricy. In fact, depending on whether we want a promotional vent stick or a regular printed air freshener, either option will cost a lot less than any gadget or consumer electronic device. Plus, printing company logos and other info on an air freshener is much easier and less costly than doing it on a phone stand.

Easy to Customise

One thing that sets air fresheners apart from other promotional products is customisation. If we were to go to any online store and look up car air fresheners, we would see just how much variety there is. They literally come in any shape, size, and colour scheme we can think of.

With that in mind, we don’t need to limit ourselves to simply printing the logo on a rectangular surface. We can instead order a batch of fresheners that have the exact shape of our logo. Alternatively, we can choose a shape that’s more in line with our company’s field of expertise. For instance, if we sell seafood, the freshener can be in the shape of a lobster or a squid. The possibilities never end with these promo items.

Easy to Distribute

Once again, it’s irrelevant whether we order vent sticks or cardboard-thick fresheners, we will always end up with an item that’s small, lightweight, and easy to handle. Versatility is something that all promo products need, especially during the time when the pandemic is still not completely gone and when we need to send corporate gifts via mail.

Since they are so light, we can either ship them to our clients in an envelope or distribute them as calling cards during events and tradeshows. In addition, we can include them in swag bags and gift baskets, alongside other car-related promo goods such as personalised car sun shades and custom ice scrapers.

Brand Exposure

Once we put it in the car, the air freshener will stay there for months, slowly losing its freshness but not its shape. And that’s what’s important to us as brand owners. That shape will carry the company logo and the data our future clients will need in order to contact us and ask for our services.

Furthermore, if we make the fresheners unique and creative enough, the clients will literally point them out to their friends and discuss them. Creative promo gifts will generate lots of conversations, so we must take extra care when creating the perfect freshener.

Built-In Consumer Base

Here’s a short list of some businesses and organizations that will definitely benefit from using car air fresheners:

  • Car dealerships
  • Repair shops
  • The DMV
  • Real estate agents
  • Fundraisers
  • Charities
  • Artists
  • Party and event planners
  • Start-ups
  • Politicians
  • Cleaning companies
  • Insurance companies.

No matter the nature of the business, they will love getting and giving fresheners. And anyone who’s driving for a significant amount of time during the week will need something to keep the air breathable. So, by selling and sharing custom car air fresheners, we’re tapping into the market of literally millions of people.

Triggering Memories

Believe it or not, the sense of smell is the most powerful out of the five. In fact, a person is more likely to remember a particular scent than what someone looked like. As such, our freshener will definitely cause a few drivers to remember something pleasant from the past. And that’s a strong marketing strategy that rarely fails.

Related content:
Appeal to the Senses with Printed Air Fresheners

Get Your Personalised Car Air Fresheners Today!

Custom car air fresheners don’t look as impressive as other items, but they pack a punch and we recommend getting them wholeheartedly. A batch or two of them will definitely get our business going. So, pick that phone up and order some fresheners today.

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The Gift Of Safe Driving: 10 Creative Slogans For Your Branded Ice Scrapers

Looking for something different? Browse our full range of promotional car items. If for any reason you still can’t find what you are looking for, then simply give us a call on 0800 0148 970 or simply email us today. You may also wish to consider complementing your order of air fresheners with some branded on board car window signs which are sure to be well received by customers and employees alike!